English Español


Call for Papers

Take advantage of the opportunity to share your expertise with other industry professionals — submit a paper!

UPADI depends on your expertise, talent, and academic contributions to ensure a successful, enriching conference. That is why we encourage students, industry professionals, and political leaders to submit papers.

Please refer to the following information for information and requirements on how to submit your paper.

Details, Rules, and Information

We welcome you to submit abstracts for your papers. If your abstract is selected, your full paper will be included in the UPADI 2006 Program.

Subject Matter

We encourage you to submit papers based on one of the following topics:

• Education and Capacity Building
• Life Long Learning Focus on Pan American Deans
• Transparency (Pan American Academy Policy Forum)
• Free Trade in the Americas
• Investment in sustainable Economic Development

Language Requirements

All abstracts must be submitted in Spanish and English. Final papers may be submitted in either Spanish or English.

Submission Dates

Please note the following submission and approval dates. Exceptions will not be granted for late submissions.

• Abstract Submission: September 2005 – January 2006
• Paper Status Notification: March 2006
• Final Paper Submission: June 2006
• Proceedings/CD-ROM Preparation: July 2006 – August 2006
• Proceedings Distribution: Atlanta, September 2006

Please note that each author is responsible for adhering to all deadlines to ensure that the proceedings CD can be produced for distribution at the meeting.


The following guidelines detail format requirements for abstracts and final papers.

General Requirements for Abstracts and Final Papers:

  1. Page Size must be standard 8.5x11“.
  2. Margins must be one inch (2.54 cm) on the top, bottom, left, and right.
  3. Title must be in 14-point, bold typeface.
  4. Authors and Affiliations must be listed in 12-point, bold typeface.
  5. Body of the paper must be in 12-point typeface.
  6. Footers and Bibliographic Information must be in 10-point typeface.
  7. Microsoft Word or Word Perfect formats are acceptable. PDF files will not be accepted.

Requirements for Abstracts

In addition to the above General Requirements, the following rules apply for abstract submission:

  1. Length must not exceed 500 words.
  2. Abstract must be submitted via e-mail to info@upadi2006.com
  3. The principal author must pre-register for the Congress between January 2006 and June 2006.

Requirements for Final Papers

In addition to the above General Requirements, the following rules apply for final paper submission:

  1. Length must not exceed 60,000 bytes (approximately 15 pages, including text, graphics, and appendices).
  2. Abstract should be imbedded at the beginning of the paper.
  3. Papers must be submitted via e-mail to info@upadi2006.com
  4. A brief biography (50 words or less in 10-point typeface) for each author should be included at the end of the paper.
  5. Authors are also encouraged to prepare PowerPoint materials for audience presentations, using both English and Spanish subtitles, if possible. Other media may be made available if appropriate requests are made at the time of the final paper's submission.

Note: Papers not selected by one of the Congress Chairs may be presented at a poster session, and will be included in Congress Proceedings.

Copyright Information

The copyright to the CD-ROM Proceedings produced for the UPADI 2006 Congress is to be held by the Georgia Institute of Technology. By the submission of an abstract or paper, the author(s) authorizes such use. By submitting an abstract or paper, the author(s) affirms that no copyrighted material is included without permission.

Contact Information

All authors should submit both Abstracts and Final Papers to the Congress via e-mail to Luther Graef at info@upadi2006.com

All authors should clearly indicate current contact information, including a current e-mail address.

upadi atlanta two thousand six
Georgia Tech

Participating Organizations
National Society of Professional Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers