Student CompetitionUPADI's Student Design Paper Competition offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate engineering students to showcase their engineering aptitude and dexterity in design. This one-of-a-kind design competition provides students with a valuable opportunity to establish networking contacts and develop relationships with esteemed industry professionals. Submission GuidelinesStudents must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting papers for the competition: Papers must focus on an engineering design problem or topic similar to that in a senior capstone design class. Following are some example topics: • Panama Canal Redesign Papers must incorporate engineering standards and realistic constraints, which include most of the following considerations: • Economic Each design team should have one lead author and no more than four co-authors. (Travel expenses and the registration fee will be paid for the lead author only.) Papers must not exceed 20 pages, including figures and references. Papers must be typed using 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and prepared in Microsoft Word, and must have 1-inch margins. Papers must be accompanied by a certifying endorsement from the author's instructor, faculty advisor, or department chair. Selection CriteriaUp to 25 papers will be selected for a 15-minute oral presentation and a poster presentation at the XXX UPADI 2006 Conference. Papers will be selected by a panel of professionals from UPADI and Georgia Tech. Panel members will primarily consider the following criteria when selecting papers: Originality and uniqueness of the work Details and InformationFees and RegistrationRegistration is $200 per student. The registration fee includes the following: • Student program activities Important Dates• Submission deadline: May 1, 2006 Schedule of Events Student program commences September 19, 2006 Contact Information All submissions must be sent via e-mail to: |